Swimming is a good exercise (that’s obvious). It is a lifetime sport that benefits the body and the whole person.
Why do we at Small Wonders give importance to swimming?
- For health benefits?
- For the chance to be with some of our friends at pool.? Or
- Because we like the feeling of floating and gliding through the water?
It is indeed a combination of all. Swimming helps develop life skills such as sportsmanship, time-management, self-discipline, goal setting, and an increased sense of self-worth. It is also great for general fitness.

Every new experience is an opportunity to learn and grow. One of the best choices you can make for your children is giving them the gift of music.
In addition to improving creativity and allowing relaxation, music helps in developing:
- Concentration
- Coordination
- Patience
- Self-Confidence
Research shows a significant relationship between music instruction and positive performances in areas as : reading comprehension, spelling, mathematics, listening skills, primary mental abilities (verbal, perceptual, numeric, spatial) and motor skills.
Art and Craft
Art and Craft includes colouring, drawing, cutting and pasting. All the actions involved in art and craft help improve motor coordination in children. It also enhances their creativity.
By indulging in art and craft, children learn to express themselves in action. Besides this, children experience a positive sense of achievement and satisfaction. A finished art piece helps in building their self-confidence.

Dance is the development of the child through movement exploration, children communicate through movement and draw on their own inner resources to create and express through their own unique movement. The aim of creative dance classes is to continually expand and extend movement range by drawing inspiration from range stimuli. There is no right or wrong way of moving. Dancers reach progressive levels of physical & mental skill development and are taught the vocabulary of dance.
At Small Wonders, teach yoga in a play way method using music, props, stories, puppets. At a very tender age, kids benefit from yoga and make it an experience to be carried forward in life. Benefits of Yoga are manifold – from concentration to flexibility to memory.

Speech & Drama
It is designed to brush up on your child’s conversational English through a ‘fun-filled’ approach so that she/he can learn to enunciate & articulate with ease. Moreover, it helps your child build a strong foundation for public speaking, elocution and day-to-day social interaction.
Through the medium of the performing arts, this course trains children in skills such as Public Speaking, Effective Communication, Increased Confidence Levels and Social Skills.
Enjoy A Ball is a UK based multi sports coaching program for kids from 15 months to 9 yrs .They teach basics of 10 ball sports like football, cricket, hockey, tennis, basket ball, rugby, baseball, dodgeball, handball and volleyball.
They also believe in imparting life skills like confidence, sportsmanship and team work through sports.