
Mrs. K.S. Jamali (Director)

I had a dream  to have a school that allowed children to grow, learn, experience and bloom. To have something small with BIG ideas, BIG agendas and BIG dreams. 

Mrs. S. A. Sumaya (Principal)

We are a small friendly pre-school with qualified & experienced staff to welcome you and your child into a wonderful pre-school experience.

Minaal Advani

I believe that there is something noble in teaching. Teaching is fun, and there are plenty of opportunities to be creative and to work with young people and make a difference in their lives. It is ever changing, ever challenging and full of joy and laughter. Learning and teaching go hand in hand.

Sameena Amin

No one forgets a meaningful teacher who had an impact on their life. A teacher is seen as a leader, a mentor, or even a surrogate parental figure. It is a challenging job to mould little buds into blooming flowers. If I can positively influence a child for a few hours a day, I’d say that its worth it!


Jennifer Ullal

To me teaching is not just about academics, its about reaching their hearts and moulding their little minds.

I take each day as a new challenge that motivates me. It is this joy and challenge that inspires me everyday to give my heart and soul to TEACHING.

Nisha Kamat

Being in this job is all about making sure day to day tasks are done smoothly. Its about working as a part of the team keeping things in order.